Available Techniques:
- Voltammetric techniques
- Impedance spectroscopy
- Technique builder Modular
- Ohmic drop determination
- Bipotentiostat
- Batteries: Galvanostatic with Cycling with Potential Limitations (7 types depending on the required limitations), PotentioDynamic Cycling with Galvanostatic Acceleration, Capacity Determination (BCD), Constant Load, Constant Power, Alternate Pulse Galvano Cycling, Urban cycle simulation, ModuloBat
- Supercapacitors: Cyclic Voltammetry, Constant Voltage, Constant Current, Current Scan
- Photovoltaic/fuel cells: I-V characterization, Constant Load, Constant Power
- Corrosion: Linear and Cyclic Polarization, Generalized Corrosion, Pitting, ZRA, ZVC, Corrosimetry, VASP, CASP